Reiki Principles

The five reiki principles are guidelines that everyone can live by, to promote a healthy, loving way of living.

We are each filled with universal life force energy. This energy is the essence of our being, our consciousness, our soul.

It is a powerful, creative energy which gives life to matter and is essential for maintaining the lives of all beings and expanding their consciousness. This energy is not exclusive to any particular belief system or way of life. It is the energy of love, all encompassing, nurturing and supportive towards all things.

Reiki is universal life force energy given to a patient through a Reiki practitioner. Reiki treats the person wholly and focuses on revitalization of emotions, mind and physical body. Reiki practitioners and enthusiasts strive for and live by these five principles on a daily basis, which allows us to fully embody Reiki energy.



Just for today, I will not worry… Just for today, I will not be angry… Just for today, I will be grateful… Just for today, I will do my work honestly… Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

We infuse these principles of loving kindness into our daily work here at Think Baseline, our graphic design and branding agency in Frederick, Maryland. Our positive energy, kindness, confidence and excitement helps fuel our clients and client projects, ultimately allowing us to create amazing brand-work and marketing materials. We are forever grateful for our clients and the creative energy that flows between us!

(Reiki Principles graphic © Megan Mullaney)